Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Frostgaurd Theme for League of Legends Philippines

"I am Iceborn!" - Lissandra
Show your alliance to Frostgaurd! Set up this theme on your LoL PH.

These theme adds up a thrill to your game, upon logging in Lissandra's image is shown, and when pressing the play button Lissandra speaks - "Atlast our, ascension is at hand!". On champion selection process in blind pick mode Lissandra's speech is played;

"We are the chosen, destined to receive the gifts of the Watchers. Our faith is tested by bitter cold and endless winter. A crucible that separates the worthy from the unworthy, purging doubt, and leaving purity behind. The others fight like neglected children, petty squabbles that will amount to nothing in the end. We have purpose, to prepare this land for new masters. The Watchers return. Our ascendance is at hand."
-Lissandra (The Ice Witch)

Feel the Frostgaurd spirit!

"I will bury the world in ice!"- Lissandra
Download the zip file below, and unzip it, then open the Portable Document File - PDF "Instruction{FROSTGAURD}" for installation instruction.

"Plans within plans." - Lissandra
A brief history about the Ice Witch, Lissandra.

"Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze – she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as "The Ice Witch". The truth is much more sinister: Lissandra is a corrupter of nature who plots to unleash an ice age on the world.

Centuries ago, Lissandra betrayed her tribe to evil creatures, known as the Frozen Watchers, in return for power. That was the last day that warm blood ran through her veins. With her corrupted tribesmen and the strength of the Watchers, she swept across the land like a terrible blizzard. As her empire spread, the world grew colder and ice choked the land. When the Watchers were defeated by ancient heroes, Lissandra did not lose faith and swore to prepare the world for their return.

Lissandra worked to purge all knowledge of the Watchers from the world. Using magic to take human form, she masqueraded as numerous seers and elders. Over the course of generations, she rewrote the stories of the Freljord, and so the history of its people changed. Today the fragmented retellings of the Watchers are seen as children's tales. But this deception wasn't enough – Lissandra also needed an army.

She set her sights on the noble Frostguard tribe. Lissandra knew corrupting the Frostguard would take centuries, and so she launched her greatest deception. She murdered and stole the identity of the Frostguard leader. Then she slowly began to warp the tribe's proud traditions. When her human form grew old, she faked her own death and then murdered her successor to steal her identity. With each generation, the Frostguard grew more insular, cruel and twisted. Today, the world still sees them as a noble and peaceful tribe that guards against evil creatures like the Ice Witch. In truth, they now serve the witch and long for the glorious return of the Watchers.

Lissandra knows that on that day nations will fall and the world will be reborn in ice." - League of Legends Wikia

"I will restore Freljord's greatness" - Lissandra
The freezing tundra of Freljord is rapidly boiling over with a tense confrontation, as the current standoff between the three tribes that have dominated the region for decades suddenly finds itself at a possible conclusion.

One of the rulers of the three tribes that control this region – Princess Mauvole, the Ice Dervish – was found dead in her quarters three days ago in the city of Rakelstake. The elders of her tribe determined the cause of death to be natural, which cleared the way for the new Princess, Lissandra , to claim her throne and the title of Ice Dervish. In Princess Lissandra's first act after her coronation, she stunned her new subjects as she swore fealty to another of the three Princesses of Freljord:  Ashe, the Frost Archer. In addition to her royal status, Ashe is a well-known champion within the League of Legends.

In her coronation speech, Lissandra pleaded with her people that the time had come to unite Freljord under a single banner. "For too long, we have endured hardships from external politics and internal strife. Today is the day that the citizens of the Freljord choose to end this madness, and it begins from within. It begins when we, the noble tribe of the Ice Dervish, put the needs of our people above the needs of our pride and recognize Princess Ashe... as the true power to lead Freljord, united and strong."

Lissandra's words have seemingly swayed her kin; her coronation speech was warmly received by her tribe, and her tribe's elders have each signaled their solidarity with their Princesses' desire for unification. Plans have been made for Lissandra and Ashe to convene in Rakelstake within the month.

The road to Freljord unification is far from secured, as the third of the Freljord Princesses – Sejuani, the Winter's Claw – remains fiercely adamant in her opposition of the other two. "It's clear the Ice Dervish has lapsed in judgment and succumbed to the manipulations of the Frost Archer. The 'united Freljord' the naive Lissandra speaks of is nothing more than a totalitarian state wherein she kneels at the right hand of the tyrant. So long as I draw in breath, the tribe of the Winter's Claw will never sully its name next to those of such conspirators."

Upon issuing this announcement, Sejuani retreated to isolation with the elders of her tribe. This has caused concern amongst the members of the other tribes in that she may be readying for war. When questioned about the matter, Ashe issued the following comment: "We pursue a future in which our children do not have to fear their far-removed kin, and we may live again in peace in this land. Nevertheless, we Freljordians have borne the bite of countless winters, and we have not forgotten how to endure." - League of Legends Wikia

Use this at your own risk, I am not accountable for any unwanted loss or changes made in your machine, you can scan the file using your antivirus software, if you want to be sure that you are safe. If you do not want to undertake the risk, do not use this theme. All trademarks and copyright ownership belong to their respective owners, use this theme for your personal use only. Not for sale.

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